Category Archives: Photography

Byrne Creek Patrol for Spawning Salmon in Burnaby

Volunteers processed one dead Chum male, saw two live Chum females, and noted two redds (nests of eggs in the gravel/cobble) on a spawner patrol today.

Chum numbers are very low this year.

Volunteers have training and permission to process dead salmon for species, size, and spawning status.

chum salmon spawning byrne creek burnaby bc
This chum female was just downstream of the footbridge in the lower ravine

Same fish viewed from the bridge

A big male chum

It can be tough getting at dead fish at times!

Chum Salmon Spotted Returning to Spawn in Byrne Creek in Burnaby

The Byrne Creek Streamkeepers Society had a tour of the creek in SE Burnaby, BC, today to orient new volunteers to monitoring spawning salmon.

We had a great turnout, lovely weather, and YAY, saw a male and a female chum salmon. The fish have been late this year, to the point that we were getting concerned if they’d show at all . . .

Here are a few photos and a short video.