Category Archives: Camping

Soggy Sea to Sky Overnight Camping Trip

Wow, this overnighter produced the fewest photos I’ve ever taken on a Sea to Sky trip!

Rain, rain , rain. . .

I camped at Nairn Falls for one night, got the tent up and covered with addtional tarp protection before the rain began. Was snug and dry inside, and fortunately there was a break in the rain for takedown in the morning.

Even had an hour or two of a small campfire in the evening. Park staff were very diligent about warning folks about keeping their fires small, never leaving them unattended, and having a bucket of water handy. I suspect bans will be coming into place soon, it’s dry out there.

Talking with the camground staff and locals, everyone is happy with the soaking today. It’s badly needed.

Gloomy One Mile Lake
Gloomy One Mile Lake just south of Pemberton

deer near pemberton
Deer inspecting power lines near Pemberton 🙂

Wildlife at Porteau Cove, Alice Lake, BC

I took an overnight solo camping trip up the Sea to Sky highway the other day. Photographed a bunch of wildlife.

sea lions porteau cove bc
Sea Lions at Porteau Cove. They’ve hanging out there for weeks if not months. . .

barn swallow porteau cove bc
Barn Swallow at Porteau Cove. There were several young looking ones appearing to test the breeze.

brown-headed cowbird portau cove bc
Brown-headed Cowbird at Porteau Cove.

red-breasted sapsucker alice lake bc
Red-breasted Sapsucker at Alice Lake Provincial Park

douglas squirrel alice lake provincial park
Douglas Squirrel at Alice Lake

raven alice lake bc
Raven at Alice Lake. It seemed to follow me about halfway around the lake before heading off. . .

audubon's warbler alice lake bc
I’m thinking Audubon’s Warbler. . . There was a bunch of them flitting about at Alice Lake Provincial Park near Squamish, BC. I took over a hundred shots over the course of an hour to get a few decent ones. . .


Overnight Camping Trip to Manning Park – Moose, Beaver ‘n Birds

We took an overnight camping trip to E.C. Manning Park, staying at the new Hampton camground. Nice new washrooms with showers, eh? 🙂

We hiked around the area several times over the course of the two days. Here are a few shots.

beaver lightning lake mannig park bc
Cool to see a beaver in Lightning Lake

Clark's Nutcracker Lightning Lake Manning Park BC
It was fun watching these Clark’s Nutcrackers. The juvenile kept begging for food though it was surrounded by buds. The adult would pick one and feed  the juvie. . .

moose beaver pond manning park bc
We walked the Beaver Pond trail, and at one point I spotted what appeared to be a large beast off in the distance. I fired off several shots from long range, but it wasn’t until we got home that I realized it was a moose. While apparently sightings are not common in the area, there are a few now and then.

red-breasted sapsucker manning park bc
A brilliant Red-breasted Sapsucker

gray jay manning park bc
A Gray Jay, aka Canada Jay

paul yumi canyon nature loop manning park
The bridge on the Canyon Nature Loop

Updating Quake/Go Kits, Car Kit

Taking a lesson from the flooding and refreshed our quake/disaster Go bags today.

They are backpacks that we keep at the front door with changes of clothing, rain jackets, toques, heavy socks, mittens, emergency sleeping shelter (a reflective sleeping bag that weighs a few ounces), flashlights, extra batteries, granola bars, chocolate, water, Life Straw personal water filter, fixed-blade knife with a fire-steel in the handle, first aid kits, etc. . .

His and hers.

Oh, yeah, also a Zip bag full of cat food and a small carrier.

We also keep some gear in the car at all times, but I should probably upgrade that. . . So I just ordered some emergency gear to update the quake kits and pad the car kit from Mountain Equipment Company.

Water is Life

Water is life.

The other day when we were camping at Nairn Falls Provincial Park just south of Pemberton, BC, we drove up the Pemberton Meadows Road to the bridge across the Lillooet River.

There was a wee puddle just across the bridge, and in the 34C heat several species of butterflies and moths were sharing it.

butterflies moths pemberton bc

Osprey at One Mile Lake, BC

Now that we’re allowed to travle within two regional health zones, I took an overnight camping trip to Nairn Falls. I walked around One Mile Lake yesterday evening and this morning, and was elated to photograph an Osprey both times.

Very diffent sky in the evening and morning shots. . .

osprey pemberton bc
Taking a fish

osprey pemberton bc

Sea to Sky Magic

I did an overnight camping trip to Alice Lake Provincial Park north of Squamish, BC. I took the opportunity to cruise up as far as Pemberton, and poke around various place on the gorgeous Sea to Sky highway north of Vancouver.

one mile lake pemberton bc
One Mile Lake near Pemberton

porteau cove bc
Porteau Cove

tantalus lookout bc
Tantalus lookout on the Sea to Sky