I tacked a few days on to my trip to Quesnel for SEP2017, the BC-wide streamkeepers workshop, so that I could relax and camp for a couple of days. Here are some shots from the road trip, and a lovely stay at Ten Mile Lake Provincial Park. All of these photos were taken with my new Canon SX720HS.

Here’s an example of the amazing 40X optical zoom, from widest to the telephoto limit.

The view a few steps from my campsite



White-winged Scoter at Ten Mile Lake north of Quesnel, BC. This is the first time I’ve seen this bird.

One of humankind’s greatest inventions :-). The folding chair with built-in cup holder.

OK, so I got a pack of dogs at Wal-Mart for $2.99, but at least I paired them with a baguette!

At the campfire wearing my Vancouver Half-Marathon T from a few years back. Hot dogs and beer — the athletes dinner. . .

Lots of trout jumping in the lake

The view from the fishing-only dock

There were several frogs near the boat launch

I admired this cute furball — it didn’t solicit any treats from me, just happily munched away on a healthy natural diet