Keep That Annual Physical Going

Been doing my annual round of medical tests — bloodwork, FIT, ultrasound. . .

Somehow these all landed in my vacay time around Christmas and New Year’s 🙂. Oh well, had a bunch of vacay lined up anyway, and it’s been pretty much rain every day here on the west coast of BC.

When hundreds of millions of people are starving around the world, and tens of millions are under attack by totalitarian dictatorships, it’s stupid to be grumpy about not being able to eat or drink for 12 hours ahead of getting some tests done.

I should be grateful the tests are being done, and that a little over 12 hours from now, there’s a full fridge and cupboards to come home to after my morning visit to the lab.

Anyway, I know finding and having a family doctor has been tough for years in BC, and I treasure mine, but if you can, get your annual testing done somehow, somewhere.

It’s so much better to catch things developing than to have them discovered full blown, eh?