A few shots from our recent camping trip to Nairn Falls. We drove up the Pemberton Meadows Road and saw some cool stuff.

A young Black Bear

Came across this unfortunately mashed wee snake near the bridge crossing the Lillooet River just off the Pemberton Meadows Road.

Some creative person added eyes and a forked tongue to this fallen tree between Nairn Falls and One Mile Lake.

When uninvited guests arrive at the picnic table, sometimes it’s best to give them their own place setting : – ) . . .
Looks like we may be in for some moisture. . .
Southridge Drive and Ron McLean Park in south Burnaby, BC, on our evening walk.

I was coming home from the post office, and caught a flash of yellow zooming into the forest next to our garage. I got out, watched and waited. . . and success!
Max 40X optical zoom on my wee Canon SX730HS and tight cropping.
BTW, thanks to my Facebook friends who come to my rescue when I’m not sure what kind of bird I’ve “shot.”

Streamkeeping, sustainability, community, business, photography, books, and animals, with occasional forays into social commentary. Text and Photos © Paul Cipywnyk