New WP Blog Looks Great on Portable Devices

One of the first major benefits that I’ve noticed in moving my blog from a decrepit MT system to a state-of-the-art WP system is that the blog scales to portable devices beautifully, and automagically. That’s what comes from upgrading to contemporary software.

I’m not slagging MT, I’m sure their new versions function well in this regard, too.

Slowly Getting the Hang of WordPress

I’m slowly becoming accustomed to WordPress. After over ten years of running my old blog on an ancient version of Movable Type, the change is taking time to get used to.

I’ll have to buckle down over the next week or three, work through the tutorials, skim the manuals, and just keep playing with it until I get more comfortable. The best way to learn is by doing.

I’m sticking to a standard theme for now. I get the impression one can easily get lost in endless hours of exploring available themes. Some day. . .

I should mention that I’m hosting this blog on my long-standing account with Pair Networks. Setting up Word Press using Pair’s pairSIM software installation system was a breeze.

I’ve had an account with Pair since June 1997.

I look forward to hundreds, and eventually thousands, of posts here. I reached nearly 1,700 on my old MT blog. . .

Welcome to the New Paul Cipywnyk’s Blog

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

This is my first post on my new WordPress blog. This blog is replacing my old blog at

I am having trouble getting changes to this theme to “stick.” For example, I’ve added a tagline, but it does not show up no matter how much I clear caches on various browsers and different computers.

OK, now that I’m posting/updating this first post, suddenly the changes to the theme are showing up.


Streamkeeping, sustainability, community, business, photography, books, and animals, with occasional forays into social commentary. Text and Photos © Paul Cipywnyk