Whidbey Island Camping October 2015

Squeezed in a couple of days off with Yumi and we camped for two nights at Deception Pass State Park on Whidbey Island in Washington State. We love it there, and try to get down at least once a year.

Here are some photos from the trip:

blue sunset
Blue sunset

pink sunset
Pink sunset

orange sunset
Orange sunset

happy camper
Me looking forward to the sunset

heron in flight
Heron in flight shot from the Coupeville wharf

kingfisher in flight
Kingfisher in flight shot from the Coupeville wharf

harlequin duck
Harlequin duck off the west beach at Deception Pass. I think this is the first time I’ve “shot” one of these.

Otter eating fish
Yumi spotted this otter in the lake, and we saw it catch and eat at least three fish in ten minutes or so.

sea lion
Spotted this yawning sea lion way out in the ocean. Hi ISO, 450 mm lens handheld, so not a poster shot by any means, but still cool.

Fort Casey
Lovely sky at Fort Casey

Yumi tent
Yumi and our tent – playing with angles

Yumi log
Yumi at the end of this long log – playing with perspective

Paul breakfast
Making breakfast on the camp stove

wine fire
Relaxing by the fire with a glass of wine

Putting up Dog Posters Along Byrne Creek

Byrne Creek Streamkeepers create whimsical and funny dog posters to put up along the creek in the fall to remind dog walkers that salmon are coming back to spawn. We have excellent relations with dogs and their owners — they are out there nearly every day and are excellent “eyes on the creek.”

Over the years dog walkers have come to expect the posters, and even start asking about them if they are not up by mid-October.

We have permission from Burnaby Parks to put these posters up, and we use zap-straps to attach them to trees without harming them.

yumi dog posters
Yumi preparing a poster

yumi dog poster

yumi dog poster
Yumi’s latest creation

maho dog poster
Maho’s dog poster

yumi scream dog poster
Gee, wonder where Yumi got the inspiration for this one? : -)

dog poster bridge
Attaching a poster to the footbridge


Guardians at the Gate, Grazing Cat

Took Choco out on her harness. She’s an indoor cat, but she does like to get out to graze now and then. Unfortunately the drought this summer resulted in even less grass than our sparse little patch usually gets.

grazing cat

It’s the time of year when lots of spiders festoon themselves around our front door. Entering or exiting requires a careful scan of the situation, and much ducking and, er, weaving, to get through without creating too much disturbance.


Streamkeeping, sustainability, community, business, photography, books, and animals, with occasional forays into social commentary. Text and Photos © Paul Cipywnyk