Windstorm Knocks Trees Down in Burnaby, BC

Several large trees came down in Byrne Creek Ravine Park in southeast Burnaby in the windstorm today.

These toppled just a few meters from our townhouse complex. Sure glad the wind wasn’t blowing the other way!

Just by chance I saw the one that landed on the trail come down (the one with my foot for size reference). I’d just peeked out the front door this morning, and saw it come crashing down.

City crews cleaned up fast!

fallen tree

fallen tree

LL Bean Customer Service Outstanding

I was disappointed that my new LL Bean cargo pants have developed a tear on a seam after just four or five wears.

But I am impressed with LL Bean customer service: a new pair will arrive in three to four days, along with a prepaid label to send the faulty pair back.


Oh, yeah, and it took less than two minutes to get through to a customer service representative on the phone. Impressive.

I like the Bean because they have a wide variety of men’s clothing with long inseams and arm lengths.

DFO Answers the Phone

I am very happy to post a positive comment today, because I’ve been feeling quite depressed and disillusioned in my volunteer stewardship efforts the last couple of weeks.
We live in an amazing country, Canadians.
Today I was working on a couple of letters to senior fisheries managers in Ottawa, as secretary for a volunteer advisory board to DFO. I wanted to check if I was writing to the appropriate people, so I searched the DFO online staff directory on their public website.
I found a couple of department and program Directors listed that appeared to be appropriate to my tasks, and there were phone numbers in addition to addresses. So I thought, what happens if I call?
What happened is that each Director personally answered the phone, and chatted with me about what I was trying to accomplish.
This is the first time in a long time that I’ve been able to say the phrase “my tax dollars at work” with a happy smile on my face.
Back to cranky curmudgeon tomorrow 🙂

Bounty of Birds at Reifel Sanctuary in Delta, BC

Yumi and I wandered the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Delta, BC, for hours today. Tired, but happy with the number of species spotted and successfully “shot”.

red-winged blackbird

red-winged blackbird
Male red-winged blackbirds were putting on a show

american coot
American Coot

bald eagle
Juvenile baldy?

Why not take the biggest one?

great blue heron
Great Blue Heron in flight

great blue heron
Gone fishin’

great gblue heron
Standing pretty

lesser scaup
Lesser Scaup

northern pintail
Northern Pintail

northern harrier
Northern Harrier

northern shoveler
Northern Shoveler

ring-necked duck
Ring-Necked Duck

sandhill crane
Sandhill Crane

sandhill crane

sandhill crane

sandhill crane
Taking cough syrup?

sandhill crane
Having a scratch

saw-whet owl
Saw-Whet Owl

American Wigeon

wood duck
Wood Duck

spotted towhee
Spotted Towhee

spotted towhee
Tom Cruise ain’t got nothin’ on me!

Streamkeeping, sustainability, community, business, photography, books, and animals, with occasional forays into social commentary. Text and Photos © Paul Cipywnyk