I’m in lust for a new Nikon D500 DSLR. Based on specs this would be an amazing wildlife camera. Huge usable ISOs, blazing motor drive, prescient focus and exposure systems…
I think it may be time to sell some older Nikon gear, and sign up for the latest and greatest.
I think I’ll keep my aging D300, not much money to be made from that, and it’s still a solid camera. I use it with some of my ancient all-manual Nikkor lenses. And it was my first DSLR, so there are the emotional ties. (Just like I’m hanging on to my film Nikon F2 though I haven’t shot film in over a decade… Memories : -)
I think the one to go is the mid-range D5200. It’s served me well for a couple of years, but it doesn’t cut the pro mustard in usability. It has great resolution for its price class, but it’s not an action camera. Too much stuff is buried in menus that semi-pro and pro models have more to hand with extra buttons. I hate having to click through screen menus when I want to change something quickly in the field.
Bonus? If I’m reading specs right, a D500 would use the same batteries as my D7100 and D7200. Wow!
It was a soggy day for a chum fry release on Byrne Creek in SE Burnaby, but three classes of kids from Taylor Park Elementary were in high spirits. It’s always a blast releasing these wee fish.
DFO Community Advisor Maurice talks salmon
Leading the kids up to the tank
DFO tech Scott prepares baggies
Netting fry out of the tank
Volunteer John directs traffic
Volunteers Ray, Lori, Rob, and Murray, assist in release technique
Scott’s done hundreds of such releases yet look at that grin!
While cleaning the garage today I ran across a brochure from a private kindergarten in Japan where I taught very basic English for many years. Yep, that skinny guy with lots of dark hair is moi, circa late 1980s/early 1990s. It was an extremely well-paying gig for just one morning a week.
I took a 3-hour stroll along the dyke at Boundary Bay, starting from 72nd and heading west, and then back again. Lots of eagles, both golden and bald, some harriers (of which I didn’t get any usable shots), and assorted waterfowl and smaller birds.