Life is rough. Here it is, 8:45 on Sunday morning and I’m exhausted.
Finally got the humans up, ordered a bit of soft food and a wee bowl of diluted juice from a can of water-packed tuna on the side, had a group cuddle while they nursed their first coffees…
And I still have the whole day ahead…. I think I’ll have a snooze.
Throwback Thursday — me wearing a Goodtimers T-shirt, heading out for my #Burnaby south slope walk today. The Goodtimers was a jogging club founded by a friend of mine in Tokyo in 1988. That makes this T over 25 years old!
It’s a bit musty, but nothing a good sweat won’t, um, cure 🙂.
I have not succumbed to a brooding summer cold, but have a splitting headache. Today mid-morning I turned out the lights in my office and eased myself down on the floor for a nap, and…
Choco the Cat came in, meowked around a bit, gingerly stepped onto my chest, stretched out, and set the purr machine on 11.
Blam! Blam! Black Sombrero fired his Colt .45 at the shadow in the barn, then spun and snapped three shots at the posse approaching across the coral. . .
My latest blog post for The Editors’ Weekly on why factual accuracy and plausibility are important even in fiction.
UPDATE: Aug. 26 — and this is why the world needs editors, lots of them! I don’t know how many sets of eyes went through this without noticing that “coral” should be “corral.” Blushing. . .
Roll-your-own sushi for my birthday. Thank you to my lovely wife Yumi for the delectable feast!
And yes, Choco the Cat has officially attained the age of batshit-crazy grandma who doesn’t give a #$%* anymore about proper behaviour. : -)
We don’t have it in us to discipline the old gal in the twilight of her years. Choco has been a wonderful addition to the family ever since we got her from the Burnaby SPCA many years ago.
She just looks hurt and confused if admonished these days, a noticeable contrast to her youth when she learned quickly.
You have to make adjustments as a beloved companion ages.
We’ve been rearranging furniture, and adding “steps” here and there so she can still get to her favorite places.
Damn I love my kitty, even when she wakes us at 5 am…
Hi folks, here a few tips for effectively sharing information, or reporting on things that concern you, be it via social media, email, phone, snailmail, etc.
Learn and remember the journalist’s question prompts of 5WH.
Answer those questions as best you can before you start sharing information, before you start writing, calling, Tweeting, posting to Facebook or blogs, emailing… and you’ll be miles ahead in clarity, conciseness, accuracy, and so on.
This applies to streamkeepers reporting spills or fish kills, to citizens reporting crime, to folks contacting their local papers, to students posting on blogs, to. . .