I love going to Stewart Heritage Farm in south Surrey, BC, for nature and wildlife photos. A light drizzle had just ended and the overcast sky resulted in soft light.
Lots of Birds at Lightning Lake in Manning Park, BC
It was a lovely day for bird photos. All of these were shot this morning in the vicinity of the main parking lot/canoe rental at Lightning Lake in Manning Provincial Park in BC.
Clark’s Nutcracker
American Robin
Is this a Collared Dove?
Steller’s Jay
Heron on a cold tin roof
I’m thinking 1st winter White-Crowned Sparrow?
There were several ravens hanging around the Manning Lodge parking lot
Lush Colours After the Rain at Deer Lake in Burnaby
A shimmering gloss of raindrops and soft, overcast skies made for rich, lush colours at Deer Lake in Burnaby today.
Flying, Fishing Heron at Deer Lake
I did some “wingshooting” on this gorgeous Great Blue Heron at Deer Lake in #Burnaby, BC, today, and then watched it fish for awhile.
Using Exposure Compensation
Here’s an example of using exposure compensation to get the look you want. These plants were at the edge of a pond at Fraser Foreshore Park in Burnaby, BC.
I had the camera on a tripod, and took several shots, dialing in more and more negative, or minus, compensation with each shot.
EV – 0.7
EV – 1.3
EV – 2.0
EV – 2.7
EV – 3.3
EV – 4.0
All DSLRs should be able to do this, and many pocket cameras. Check your manual if you don’t know how to use these controls. It’s usually a button with a +/- sign on it. On my Nikon DSLRs it’s right next to the shutter button (that’s how useful it is!), and on my teeny pocket Canon, it’s right on the back next to the movie button. On some cameras, it’s unfortunately buried in a screen menu.
Enjoying Signs of Autumn at Burnaby Fraser Foreshore Park
Enjoying the imminent onset of autumn? Are you nuts?
Nope, I love autumn. The coolness, the colours, the crisp and crunchy sound of leaves underfoot.
Autumn is a great time to view and photograph wildlife. Animals are active, knowing winter is coming, with some stocking up for the leaner months ahead, others migrating.
Here on the west coast of Canada, autumn also brings the iconic salmon back to local streams and rivers. It’s the season streamkeepers anticipate with hope for strong, healthy returns.
Belted Kingfisher
Autumn Stream of Dreams
Great Food, Fun Times at Nikkei Matsuri in Burnaby
We walked up the hill to the Nikkei Matsuri at the Japanese cultural centre on Kingsway in Burnaby. It was fun, and great food.
Nice bun(s)! : -)
“So I was hoping someone would drop a burger, when this cutie walks by…”
Yumi has the cutest Japanese sandals
Railings Up on New Byrne Creek Footbridge
The new footbridge over Byrne Creek at the bottom end of the ravine trail is now sporting railings. While the bridge is not as “rustic” as the old one was, it’s still fairly woody for having a steel and concrete base.
This is just upstream of Southridge Drive in SE Burnaby, BC.
Byrne Creek Walk, New Bridge Deck Installed
Had an abbreviated walk on the Byrne Creek trail today in south #Burnaby, as workmen were putting the new footbridge deck in place.
Paused to take some shots of this fluffy plant:
Richmond Raptor Festival
There were lots of photographers at the Richmond Raptor Festival today. No wonder, it was a great opportunity to get some cool photos.
A spectacular Spectacled Owl.
Even the bee was going in for a closer look : -).
Falcon and trainer
Falcon in flight — damn they’re fast!
Closest I’ve ever been to a Turkey Vulture