Category Archives: Travel

Wildlife at Porteau Cove, Alice Lake, BC

I took an overnight solo camping trip up the Sea to Sky highway the other day. Photographed a bunch of wildlife.

sea lions porteau cove bc
Sea Lions at Porteau Cove. They’ve hanging out there for weeks if not months. . .

barn swallow porteau cove bc
Barn Swallow at Porteau Cove. There were several young looking ones appearing to test the breeze.

brown-headed cowbird portau cove bc
Brown-headed Cowbird at Porteau Cove.

red-breasted sapsucker alice lake bc
Red-breasted Sapsucker at Alice Lake Provincial Park

douglas squirrel alice lake provincial park
Douglas Squirrel at Alice Lake

raven alice lake bc
Raven at Alice Lake. It seemed to follow me about halfway around the lake before heading off. . .

audubon's warbler alice lake bc
I’m thinking Audubon’s Warbler. . . There was a bunch of them flitting about at Alice Lake Provincial Park near Squamish, BC. I took over a hundred shots over the course of an hour to get a few decent ones. . .


Courtenay River Walk in Comox, BC

I was in Comox on Vancouver Island for work, and I got up early for a walk. I’d been to the river and estuary  before as part of my volunteer streamkeeper learning experiences many years ago, and it was great to see it again.

Nice to see the First Nations recognition, and panels on the ongoing habitat restoration efforts.

anna's hummingbird comox bc
This Anna’s Hummingbird greeted me as I left the hotel property and stepped onto the river trail.

courtenay river walk comox bc

common merganser couple comox bc
Common Mergansers

cherry blossoms comox bc

habitat restoration signs courtenay river comox bc

stick bird comox bc

Lake LA-4 plane.
Lake LA-4 plane. The “pusher” configuration caught my eye. . . Online search shows it was manufactured in 1965.

white-crowned sparrow comox bc
White-crowned Sparrow

totem pole comox bc

Wonderful Memory from NYC – Teacher’s College, Columbia Uni

teachers college columbia university nyc 1970

OMG. . . This is likely one of the earliest photos that I shot, developed the film, and printed and mounted the photo.

Just found it spilling out of a storage box in my office.

Circa 1970. Teacher’s College, Columbia University, New York.

This was while my late Mom was doing graduate work at Columbia, and my late Dad was doing his psychiatry residency at Bronx State Hospital.

I remember several faces in this photo. It was an experimental “free school” where kids pretty much ran rampant.

I got leave to spend hours in the school darkroom to learn photography, and I’d also beg my teachers to let me go explore the gorgeous libraries at Columbia.

I love libraries and librarians to this day. The research staff at Columbia libraries were wonderful with an early teen who absorbed text and info at a prodigious rate 🙂.

We ordered textbooks from Canada so that my sister and I wouldn’t be behind when we returned to public school after a couple of years.