Category Archives: Society

Canadians, Now Is the Time to Stand Up to Racism

We should always stand shoulder to shoulder against racism, but in these times we need to be even more on guard.

As more reports of racist abuse appear related to Covid, I vow to speak up to any assholes exhibiting such behavior. .

In person.

Every time.

We cannot, and will not, allow such behavior to blossom.

Canadians are better than this.

Don’t behave like an asshole, eh?

Why Are Folks Drooling Over Shoes on LinkedIn?

So I popped over to the increasingly irrelevant LinkedIn to hopefully glean some wisdom about business in these trying times, and was smacked with a thread of folks drooling over some stupidly crippling high-heeled shoes that only the 1% could afford.

And drooling over the model’s legs. . .

I understand folks are hyper and nervous and whatever. But jeez, could we be adults?

If that post and responses had appeared on any internal business LAN, the poster would likely have been in deep shit.

Let’s Please Keep Religion Out of Covid

I was shocked to see a post on Facebook tonight along the lines of  “If I get Covid, I’ll pass it along to all the atheists.”

That’s very Christian of you. Or whatever your religion is.

I’ve known lots of wonderful Christians, lots of wonderful Jews, lots of wonderful Muslims, and yes, lots of wonderful atheists.

I lived in Japan for 14 years where folks have an easygoing attitude. about religion. There’s a saying there that you’re born Shinto, marry Christian, and die Buddhist. (Not to mention that Buddhist sects there had religious wars. . . )

Anyway, in my on-the-ground experience, folks of all of the above persuasions have stepped up to volunteer in our Canadian communities, serving on volunteer boards, helping with neighbourhood cleanups. . .

To even imply anything other is shameful.

Here’s My First Get Out of Jail Free Card

When I find myself in social-distancing times of trouble… I open old boxes.

Down to the last one from my late Mom, though I still have a filing cabinet drawer of her papers, and publications, and stuff.

It’s taken over ten years for me to work my way through it all. Dunno if I’ve just been lazy, or if somewhere deep in my subconscious I didn’t want those boxes to end. . .

Here’s a find.

cipywnyk baby boy mom

That must be me. . . Going home for my first time ever. . .

Honouring the love of mothers everywhere 💟

Photo Folders Cleanup Project While Social Distancing

Getting ready for some photo folders cleanup as we practice social distancing.

Step 1: Consolidated all my photo folders onto one 6TB HD

Step 2: What’s there?
3.86 TB
337,717 files in 3,910 folders

Step 3: Back up all photos to another 6TB HD

Step 4: Start chipping away at deleting shots. I figure I’ll likely be able to cut 10 – 20% if not more.

I trash all out of focus, motion blurred, hugely over- or underexposed shots following each shoot, but I suspect there’s still a lot there that can go.

This will not be a high priority project, but something to chew on slowly.

Covid Distancing Walk in South Burnaby, BC

Covid distancing walk in south Burnaby along the Skytrain track between Edmonds and 22nd stations today. The urban trail is 2+ meters wide, and there were only a few other folks out and about.

Thank you wind and sky for putting on a great show!

That’s Yumi in the bottom left corner about to be transported 🙂 This is why a slightly dirty camera lens is not always a bad thing. . .

gorgeous south burnaby bc skies

Healthy Social Media Habits in Times of Trouble

Lets be careful on social media. I spend a lot of time on Facebook and Twitter, and these days even more.  While we should always be careful online, these days we need to be even more vigilant.

Please don’t reflexively repost anything without reading it first. Completely. And after you’ve read it, put some of your elementary school social studies skills to use, and ask some simple questions.

What is the source?

Are there other independent sources?

Do these sources have consistent, reliable track records?

When was it first published? Are you reposting something taken out of context from weeks or months or years ago?

What is the tone of the message? Is it overly negative or positive? Is there a hidden agenda?

I’m sure we can all slow down and think of other simple ways to test the messaging. I know I can get excited and start clicking my way down multiple rabbit holes.

Now is a good time to slow down and think more. . .

Take a Dose of Nature in these Trying Times

Another lovely Byrne Creek ravine walk with my now working-from-home love today. A few more folks than usual out enjoying the trails in the sunshine. I guess more are staying home, but wanting to stretch their legs.

And being properly cautious to give each other a healthy distance when passing on the trails.

If possible, enjoy the outdoors. It’s good not only for the body, but also the mind.

We are animals, physical beings, and we need to move. So many health issues are exacerbated by sedentary habits.

I find great solace in nature. The burbling creek, the wind rustling the trees, the plants of many shapes and sizes and colors budding as spring approaches.

We need to feel the sun on our faces, the breeze in our hair.

The birds and squirrels playing peekaboo, the wee salmon fry popping out of the gravel in the creek.

Frenetic modern life is slowing. That has its ups, and its downs, eh?

I hope that when we’re past this that people can remember the slower, more grounded pace that we can exist at.

Excellent Invasive Species Council Meeting

I attended another well-organized, efficiently run board meeting of the Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver.  It’s a pleasure to participate with these folks!

These people, many of them staff from municipal governments in the Lower Mainland, and staff from Metro Vancouver, share a wealth of experience and knowledge.

When one sees an agenda laid out to the minute, and the chair and executive director power through with time to spare, that’s a great meeting .

board members invasive species council metro vancouver