There have been a lot of moody evenings in south Burnaby this autumn. Here are few shots taken with my pocket Canon Elph 520HS while I was waiting for Yumi near PetSmart.
Category Archives: Photography
Fading Fall Colors Along Byrne Creek in SE Burnaby
Lush Forest at Capilano Suspension Bridge Park
We won a pair of tickets to Capilano Suspension Bridge Park at the recent Alta Vista Park Community Picnic raffle, so we headed out today and spent several hours wandering the various trails including the CliffWalk and Treetops Adventure.
Deer Lake Bathed in Soft, Foggy Light
Nurse Log Community, Byrne Creek Hoppers
Ninja Cat Falls Asleep in Office
Missed the Blood Moon, But She’s Still Full
Guardians at the Gate, Grazing Cat
Took Choco out on her harness. She’s an indoor cat, but she does like to get out to graze now and then. Unfortunately the drought this summer resulted in even less grass than our sparse little patch usually gets.
It’s the time of year when lots of spiders festoon themselves around our front door. Entering or exiting requires a careful scan of the situation, and much ducking and, er, weaving, to get through without creating too much disturbance.
Lovely Walk with Lovely Wife at Reifel Bird Sanctuary
It was a brisk, sunny day today, and my wife and I celebrated her taking the final exam in one of her accounting classes yesterday by taking a three- or four-hour ramble around the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Delta, BC.
It was my second time there in a week, and I came away pleased with my photographic efforts for the day.
Sandhill crane. At one point Yumi counted 12 of them, a wonderful sight to see. I can remember a decade or so ago, folks would get excited to see even a pair!
Ah am a handsome devil, ain’t I? Spectacular male wood duck.
Not positive about this one. A dowitcher?
Love the cool footsies on this American Coot.
A red-winged blackbird in the hand means soon no more seeds in the hand!
I’m thinking this may be what Stokes calls a “1st winter” Golden-Crowned Sparrow.
Keep Shooting (Photos) Folks!
Just noticed that one of my Nikons “cycled” today on my Reifel Sanctuary shoot. Image 9999, and back to 0001 again.
I’ve got one camera which, if I recall, is on its fourth set of 9999, one on its third, and this one on its second.
Keep shooting folks!