Category Archives: Photography

Eagles at North 40, Harrier ’n More On Boundary Bay

We had a long but enjoyable day checking out the Bald Eagles at North 40 Park Reserve in Delta, Harriers and other birds on the Boundary Bay dyke, finishing off with a walk around the Historic Stewart Farm in south Surrey, BC.

bald eagles north 40 park reserve delta bc

northern harrier boundary bay bc
Northern Harrier

yellow-rumped warbler boundary bay bc
Yellow-rumped Warbler

purple finch bounday bay bc
Purple Finch

bunny boundary bay bc

red-winged blackbird historic stewart farm surrey bc
Red-winged Blackbird Historic Stewart Farm

great blue heron historic stewart farm surrey bc
Great Blue Heron on the Nicomekl River at the Historic Stewart Farm in south Surrey

Fish Kill on Byrne Creek in Burnaby, BC

It was a sad day on Byrne Creek in SE Burnaby, BC, today.

Several hundred dead coho and cutthroat trout, lots of dead lamprey, several dozen dead stickleback, a dead crayfish, and a dead frog.

This was just in about a quarter of the creek’s length.

City staff noticed dead fish and called volunteer streamkeepers and the province. Volunteers reported to the DFO Observe, Record, Report hotline/email, and also to their DFO Community Advisor.

City staff contacted Environment Canada, and an ECCC staff person came out in the afternoon.

Upon checking monitors in the creek, City staff noted a spike in pH that lasted for many hours. The pH was back to normal by the time we were counting dead fish.

fish kill on Byrne Creek in Burnaby, BC

Walking Deer Lake in Burnaby, BC

We get out to do a loop of Deer Lake at least once a month, and more often if possible. Though it was overcast, the light was lovely, and there were plenty of birds to see.

Deer Lake Burnaby BC

double-crested cormorant deer lake burnaby bc
Double-crested Cormorant

ring-nekced duck deer lake burnaby bc
Ring-necked Duck

bald eagle deer lake burnaby bc
Bald Eagle

There’s often a Bald Eagle in this tree at Deer Lake. While I usually try to get closer photos of birds, sometimes the true shot is from further away, including the surrounding habitat.

The area leading up to this perch has been designated as a protected wildlife area that people are not supposed to enter.

I like, and respect, that.

Eagle, Hawk, Heron ’n More at Fraser Foreshore Park in Burnaby

Lots to see at Fraser Foreshore Park in south Burnaby, BC, this morning. Was taking so many photos that I didn’t get home for lunch until nearly 2:00 pm!

Here are a few shots, may get to posting some waterfowl later. . .

Yawning Bald Eagle at Fraser Foreshore Park in Burnaby, BC
I am a fierce and mighty Bald Eagle, hear me roar! Or, in this case, silently yawn 🙂

red-tailed hawk fraser foreshore park burnaby bc
A Red-tailed Hawk preening. It was laid back for a hawk, letting me circle its perch several times angling for unimpeded shots through the brush and branches.

Steller's Jay Fraser Foreshore Park Burnaby bc
Steller’s Jay

great blue heron fraser foreshore park burnaby bc
Great Blue Heron on the prowl

robin eating worm fraser foreshore park burnaby bc
The late-morning Robin catches a worm : -)

Murko the Cat, My BFF

Murko, my BFF. . .
Murko the Cat my best friend ever

Got a Throwback Thursday tonight.

My beloved Murko the Cat, circa early 1970s.

Recently found a few home-developed and enlarged-in-a-bathroom darkroom black & whites in a trunk in the garage. (Most of my early photos were destroyed in a basement flood in the early 1980s . . . .)

Murko and I were bonded.

When I went into hospital for scoliosis surgery in my early teens and was away from home for over a month, my parents said he lost half his body weight in depression.

When I got home, he sat on my body cast 23/24 hours a day.

Never tell me cats show no love, eh?

BTW, “Murko” means “he who purrs” in Ukrainian.