I remembered that our beloved Choco passed today, a year ago.
She was a wonderful cat, very intelligent and personable. We mourned for months, and eventually adopted Sora from the SPCA, and she’s filled a void in our hearts.
But Choco was amazing, and we honor her memory, her spirit, and the love that she showered upon us for so many years.
Sora now regularly visits my office window in a half-basement. It’s at the perfect height to get a ground view of goings on outside . This was one of Choco’s fave places, too. . .
Sora the Cat has come a long way since we adopted her as a terrified, untouchable young girl about half a year ago. Love, patience, and trust-building can do wonders. She is now a total love bug.
Nurse Sora. I’m certain cats know when we’re sick. Despite my heaving coughing bouts she’s stuck to me all day long and even placed a moratorium on her usually incessant demands for play. Thanks, sweetie…
Volunteer streamkeepers make dog posters that the City of Burnaby’s Parks Department gives us permission to zap-strap to trees to remind dogs to stay out of the creek during the salmon spawning season, and until salmon eggs hatch in the spring.
Byrne Creek Streamkeepers volunteers Maho and Yumi have created several whimsical posters that impart the information with humour.
We’ve been doing this so long on Byrne Creek that dog walkers start asking us in the fall when the posters will be up!
They’re also a conversation piece, and we chatted with several walkers about them today.