Category Archives: Pets

Plants in the Rain — Some Macro Minis

I took advantage of a lull in the rain to get some closeup shots around our front door and on our balcony. Also one of our turtle under her sun lamp.

For the photographers, these were shot with a Nikon D300 DSLR and my all-manual, some 35-year-old 55mm/3.5 Micro Nikkor.

rain drops on leaf

rain drops on leaf

rain drops on leaf

rain drops on leaf

rain drops on blossom

Turtle face
Dori looks more orange than green with the warm color temperature of her basking lamp

The Cat and the Nap

Well that was a lovely nap.

Choco the cat kept following me around and “talking” to me this morning after my wife went off to her CPA study group.

I couldn’t figure out what Choco wanted. Food? Fed. Water? Watered. Cuddle? Rebuffed. Play? Ignored.

The cold, grey, rainy day should have been a clue.

At one point I went back upstairs to the bedroom and within seconds heard a bouncy jingle following me. She jumped up on the bed, and began talking again.

Oh, could it be…? I lay down, made an inverted V with my legs, covered up with a fuzzy blanket, and she slipped into the tent, curled up, and was snoring within a minute.

[Jeez those humans take long enough to understand!]

The snooze lasted about half an hour before she overheated, but that’s the highlight of my day so far 🙂 .

OK, Cat, I’m Up

OK, cat, I’m up.

Headache, congestion, ache all over… so slept in a few hours.

Survived repeated rounds of nose-to-nose sniffing, ear meowing, and body walking, but literally biting the hand that feeds her finally got me out of bed.

Mission accomplished, she is now happily curled up in the guest chair in my office. Sigh.

And the stars aligning as they are, giggling in gleeful madness, I am scheduled for my flu shot today.

Guardians at the Gate, Grazing Cat

Took Choco out on her harness. She’s an indoor cat, but she does like to get out to graze now and then. Unfortunately the drought this summer resulted in even less grass than our sparse little patch usually gets.

grazing cat

It’s the time of year when lots of spiders festoon themselves around our front door. Entering or exiting requires a careful scan of the situation, and much ducking and, er, weaving, to get through without creating too much disturbance.


Bye-Bye Christmas Tree, I’m Going to Miss You, Meow

Yumi “undressed” the tree nearly two weeks ago, but we were loath to let it go. It still looked and smelled wonderful, but today we finally wrapped it in a canvas drop sheet, and took it down into the garage.

Choco the cat finds the garage spooky, but she sat by the door and cried, so I let her out. She went directly to the tree, sniffed around, meowked a couple of times, and then trotted back to me.

I guess in her own way, she needed a minute.