In my latest post for the Editors’ Weekly blog I review basic computer terms that are key to asking questions about hardware or software issues.
Category Archives: Business
Celebrating Burnaby Enviro Strategy Steering Committee
Dinner and certificates tonight for folks who served on the City of Burnaby’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy Steering Committee. It was a great team!
Forest Walks Rejuvenate Muscles, Mind
A brisk afternoon below-freezing walk in Byrne woods in SE #Burnaby does wonders to rejuvenate one’s stiff muscles and overtaxed mind.
Nature in general, and forests in particular, are my lifeline. They alleviate general blahs, stiff muscles from sitting too much at the desk, brain stupor from too much office work, and more. Get the blood pumping, muscles moving, and it’s amazing how much better you feel.
We are so fortunate to have this wonderful ravine park just out the back gate to our townhouse complex.
My Latest Blog Post for the Editors’ Weekly
My latest blog post for The Editors’ Weekly, the official blog of Editors Canada.
Where the Ink Meets the Road — Insights From Working In a Bookstore
Basic Reporting for Concerned Citizens
Hi folks, here a few tips for effectively sharing information, or reporting on things that concern you, be it via social media, email, phone, snailmail, etc.
Learn and remember the journalist’s question prompts of 5WH.
Answer those questions as best you can before you start sharing information, before you start writing, calling, Tweeting, posting to Facebook or blogs, emailing… and you’ll be miles ahead in clarity, conciseness, accuracy, and so on.
For a fleshed-out guide to 5WH see the Wikipedia entry here.
This applies to streamkeepers reporting spills or fish kills, to citizens reporting crime, to folks contacting their local papers, to students posting on blogs, to. . .
Setting Limits on Volunteer Photography
#Editors2016 Conference Photography
I was one of the volunteer conference photographers for the Editors Canada national conference from June 10-12 in Vancouver, BC.
Here are links to my conference albums on Flickr.
More Sunday Sessions and Closing Keynote
New Biz Headshot
Updated my professional photo for LinkedIn and other uses. Truth in advertising, eh? : -) The last one was about fifteen years old, and showed me out in the field in GoreTex doing some streamkeeping activity. This one is intended to look more corporate communicator, editor, writer…
Thank you Lowe’s!
Just what you don’t want to see when you go upstairs to the kitchen to get a second cup of coffee — a puddle of water on the floor in front of the sink. The leak was coming from under the faucet so I pulled off the hot and cold lines, and redid the connections with fresh plumber’s tape.
As I was tightening everything up, damn, a drip. From where? Ah, even higher up! Dismantled the faucet and discovered the cartridge was cracked. Did the round of hardware stores until finally the folks at Lowe’s found what we needed in a bin of dusty spare bits and pieces, and let us have it for free. It wasn’t the exact replacement, but close enough to work. Thank you Lowe’s!
Otherwise it would have been a week or two to get another cartridge ordered in.
Shifting Volunteer Hours to Work-Related Endeavours
I’m rejiggering my volunteer time. Pulling back a bit from some of the fishy/enviro stuff, and shifting over to more work-related volunteering.
First step, meet the new Program Chair for the Editors Canada BC Branch :-).
I really enjoyed meeting lots of folks and renewing many acquaintances at the Editors Canada BC Branch Annual General Meeting tonight.
Thank you for your confidence in accepting me into the executive fold, and here’s to having more great programs for 2016-17 starting next autumn! And thanks to Kyra and Marianne for also joining the program committee.
I have some big shoes to fill, but I’m happy that everyone is happy to help.