We took the Skytrain and Seabus to North Vancouver today, and wandered west along the shore, and then back east along the shore. Then back on the Seabus to the south side to ramble around Canada Place before heading home.
Gorgeous day!
We took the Skytrain and Seabus to North Vancouver today, and wandered west along the shore, and then back east along the shore. Then back on the Seabus to the south side to ramble around Canada Place before heading home.
Gorgeous day!
The juvenile Red-tailed Hawks are still hanging around in the tree canopy next to our townhouse in SE Burnaby, BC.
They are now taking short flights of up to around 10-20 meters. One ventured as far as the roof of a townhouse across from us, hung out there for awhile, and then flew back into the trees.
There were three in view this evening.
More photos tonight taken from our bedroom window of young Red-tailed Hawks in SE Burnaby, BC.
There are at least two young, shrieking all day long for several days now, as the adults increasingly ignore them to try to get them to fly . . .
At this point they are still learning to fly, and just take short hops of a few meters high up in the trees.
We popped the screen out of the window so I could get unobstructed shots with a Tamron 150-600mm zoom on a Nikon Z50.
I had a wonderful pre-lunch walk at Fraser Foreshore Park in Burnaby, BC. Perfect weather, not too hot yet. . .
Western Tiger Swallowtail
Four-spotted Skimmer
Spotted Towhee
Violet-green Swallow
Mama Wood Duck with ducklings
Had a great walk at Fraser Foreshore Park in SE Burnaby, BC, this morning. Photographed a Black-headed Grosbeak, a bird I don’t see very often. Also both Anna’s and Rufous Hummingbirds, a Brown-headed Cowbird grooming, and more.
Black-headed Grosbeak
Anna’s Hummingbird
Rufous Hummingbird
Brown-headed Cowbird
Cedar Waxwing
Red-tailed Hawk above our townhouse in SE Burnaby, BC, this afternoon. Crows were not taking kindly to its presence. . .
A couple of dollar-store visitors to my campsite at Miracle Beach Provincial Park on Vancouver Island the other day.
A buck or two. . . 😉
Crows giving a Red-tailed Hawk a warm welcome to the ‘hood in south Burnaby, BC, this morning.
We heard some action before breakfast, and Sora the Cat came dashing in from the balcony when the hawk began screaming.
Later I went for a Byrne Creek walk, and as I neared home, I heard the crows getting fired up again, so I ran inside, grabbed Big Bertha (Tamron 150-600mm on a Nikon Z50) and got these shots from our balcony.
A visit to Nitobe Memorial Garden at UBC in Vancouver, BC, the other day. We try to get out there at least once a year.