Went to the local Buy Low to check for bulk blueberries and found fresh wild Sockeye. I cut it crosswise, bone in for more flavor, in about 1.5cm widths. Yumi making salted mini steaks to freeze for later use in bentos and onigiri rice balls.
I rarely follow recipes to the letter, because I like to incorporate extra ingredients.
So we had an aging zuchini in the fridge, and a bunch of cheese bought on sale. Googled zuchini cheese and came up with a cubed bread casserole that looked good.
By the time I’d finished preparing it, and adding some extra veg, I realized it was pretty much like a casserole stuffing with a whack of cheese on top .
Tonight I reserved a couple of nights camping in BC Parks in the autumn, and during the reservation process it hit me that society now considers me a senior citizen.
Half price is nice, eh?
But yikes! I’m still working full time, and intend to keep working for several more years.
I have lots to contribute. Perhaps a wee bit less energy than half a life ago, but. . . I’m game!
I took a morning walk around Byrne Creek Ravine Park in SE Burnaby, BC, today. The highlight was coming across this Red-tailed Hawk in Ron McLean Park.