I was sitting in the living room reading this afternoon on my day off, and sunshine came flooding in, drawing Sora the Cat to roll in the beam.
It was glorious — but also sad, because it reminded me of losing Midori our turtle a couple of months ago. Midori would have loved a snuggle in the sunshine with her pal Sora. Sigh. . .
We cared for ‘Dori for 30 years, and she was part of the family. She loved to cuddle on a lap, and would walk up to us sometimes and strain herself upward as if to say “uppie! cuddle!”
She also liked meeting new people, approaching folks in our home and checking them out.
We had to euthanize Dori in mid-January, as she’d stopped eating and was barely moving. A vet check and X-ray showed she had crippling arthritis in all her joints, and she must have been in considerable pain.
She lived a long and good life, but we still have moments of loss.