Damn, sad news today.
Midori the Turtle has been ailing. Getting very slow and not eating much. Took her to the vet the other day, and he prescribed an oral liquid painkiller twice a day.
Today we got the results of various tests.
She has severe arthritis in all of her joints, and is also likely losing kidney function. There’s likely no treatment that her aging body can handle at this point that will improve her mobility or handle all her pain.
She’s 30 years old, pretty good for a Slider. We’ve cared for her all those years from the time she was the size of a toonie. She’s always been an interactive turtle, loving to sit on laps.
Both of our cats, our late Choco and our current Sora, have been good buddies with ’Dori.
Yumi, Choco the Cat, and Midori, circa 2012

Sora the Cat cuddling with Midori recently. Please folks, do not get turtles for pets unless you can give them that 30-year committment.
We don’t want to let her go, but it would be selfish of us to prolong her suffering with more intervention.
It’s gonna be a tough week. . .
UPDATE: Jan. 14, 2025
Final family foto:
Humans seize upon the smallest things for comfort. . . It was a beautiful ethereal pink sunset this evening, as if Midori was approaching the Rainbow Bridge and letting us know she’d be waiting for us some day. . .
How do you explain to Sora the Cat that her buddy Midori is not coming home? Sora checks the tank, checks the sleeping basket, and is clearly wondering where her pal is. . . And our distress adds to Sora’s confusion. . .
But we take comfort in knowing that for 30 years, we loved, and cared for, and supported Midori throughout her wonderful life.
Born in the southern States, shipped to Japan in the pet trade, chosen by us because she was the most active wee turtle in the bunch at a local home improvement store in western Tokyo. (Yes, no regulations back then. . . )
Did we know what we were getting into? No. But we fell in love, and Midori reciprocated that love by seeking our attention and wanting cuddles from the day we brought her home.
All the pet turtle books say don’t stress your turtle with changes of scene. Midori? Fah! I love to ride in the car and look out the window!
From Japan she moved to Canada with us, and travelled several times across the western provinces. She loved my late Mom’s and her husband’s acreage near Saskatoon where she’d go on long rambles.
She also enjoyed visiting a family apartment in Victoria with a solarium where she could hang out and soak up the rays. Everyone in our family was enchanted with her, as were all our friends.
We’ll be reminiscing a lot, and shedding tears, for many days.
We love you, Dori.