One Step Forward, Three Covid Steps Back

As British Columbia health officials announce sweeping new measures to contain Covid, I fear our society is entering a dangerous phase in which Covid deniers and anti-maskers will continue to make life miserable for months to come for the majority of us who have been following the rules.

Covid doesn’t care about your culture, your beliefs, and your religious practices. There is no dispensation.

The beach partiers, the street partiers, the house partiers, for a few hours of “fun” you’ve made life miserable for weeks, or likely months to come, for all of us.

I cannot fathom such selfishness and antisocial behaviour.

I cannot fathom such childish focus on immediate gratification when long-term pain is in the balance.

We almost had it beat, eh?

I don’t know if I’m more angry, or sad.

I’m certainly disappointed.

Chum, Coho, Other Wildlife on Byrne Creek

Spotted a few chum and coho salmon on our patrol looking for spawning salmon on Byrne Creek in SE Burnaby today. Also few other birds and beasts.

chum salmon byrne creek burnaby bc
Chum salmon

coho jack byrne creek burnaby bc
Small coho jack

NOTE: It’s illegal to interfere with spawning salmon. Streamkeepers have training and permission to monitor returning salmon, and assess them for species, sex, size, and spawning status after they die.

downy woodpecker byrne creek burnaby bc
Downy Woodpecker

eastern gray squirrel byrne creek burnaby bc

Super Spawner Patrol Finds Coho, Chum on Byrne Creek

Super spawner patrol on Byrne Creek in SE Burnaby, BC, today. A total of 17 spawners seen. Great to see chum moving upstream into the lower ravine!

coho salmon byrne creek burnaby bc

Above two coho salmon

chum salmon byrne creek burnaby bc
This, and below, chum salmon

NOTE: It’s illegal to interfere with spawning salmon. Streamkeepers have training and permission to monitor returning salmon, and assess them for species, sex, size, and spawning status after they die.