Whew, what an amazing day!
I did our monthly recycling run to the Still Creek Environment Centre in Burnaby, and on the way home I parked near the Cariboo Dam and walked to Piper Spit and back on Burnaby Lake.
Unfortunately it was overcast, but there were still plenty of chum salmon to be seen around the fish ladder at the Cariboo Dam.
American Coot near Piper Spit
Crows were harassing a hawk. I thought they had driven it off, but as I left the spit I took one more look at the tree I thought it had hidden in, and it was still there.
Female Wood Duck. What a cutie!
And her boyfriend nearby.
Green-Winged Teal
Northern Pintail
Spotted Towhee
Red-Winged Blackbird
Three colorations of pigeons
Steller’s Jay
Black Slug