Downy Woodpecker on the trail between Nairn Falls Provincial Park and One Mile Lake near Pemberton, BC.
Monthly Archives: August 2020
Dragonflies, Grasshoppers at One Mile Lake
While we were camping at Nairn Falls we did the trail to One Mile Lake, around the lake, and back to the campground. Saw several dragonflies and grasshoppers.
Fraser Foreshore Walk
We had a ramble this morning at Fraser Foreshore Park in SE Burnaby, walking from Byrne Road east out to the meadow and around and back.
A few sights along the way:
This chopper kept circling across the river in Richmond — likely related to the big fire yesterday.
Lots of snowberries around.
This stone has more cup holders than a minivan. . . It even has a cup. Sigh…
Shoreline Trail Ramble in Port Moody, BC
After visiting Lafarge Lake in Coquitlam, we walked the Shoreline Trail in Port Moody out to the Old Mill and the Old Orchard.
Northern Flicker
OId Mill
Spotted Towhee
Lafarge Lake Walk in Coquitlam
We’ve never walked Lafarge Lake in the summer, but we’ve been to the Lights at Lafarge several times in the winter.
We succumbed 🙂
Pileated Woodpecker, Spiders on Byrne Creek Walk
A few shots from this morning’s Byrne Creek walk in SE Burnaby, BC.
The Joy of Sharing Nature
The joy of sharing nature. . .
On my Byrne Creek ravine loop this morning I was shooting spiders and webs, and a young woman passing by on the trail stopped and asked me what I was taking pictures of. Usually when I answer “spiders and webs” I get the “crazy old man” look.
But she beamed and said, “Cool, can I show you a spider I shot on my cell phone?”
And then later as I was approaching our back gate I saw a young mother with a stroller staring up into the trees. “Look,” she said, “a Pileated Woodpecker!”
Sure enough she’d spotted one of the gorgeous birds and we watched together for a minute while I fired away.
Evening at the River Market in New Westminster
Yesterday evening at the River Market in New Westminster, BC
No room at the Inn 🙂
Assimilated by the iNaturalist Borg
I posted this a few days ago, thinking it was some sort of wasp. I also put it on FB.
Several folks responded that it was a moth that imitates wasps or hornets. A friend suggested I post it to iNaturalist.
Pennisetia marginata
Also got a comment that this is the first time one has been reported on iNaturalist for the Surrey, BC, area.

Serpentine Fen Beasties
We took a walk around Serpentine Fen in south Surrey, BC.
Wasps chowing down on a grasshopper
The rare and elusive Salvador Dali wasp 🙂
UPDATE: Turns out this is a moth that imitates a wasp!
Look Ma, two heads! 🙂
Blueberry poop