WARNING! It’s cherry blossom mating season in south Burnaby, BC, please do not approach too closely. If attacked, run, do not roll over and play dead! With a modicum of ongoing exercise, you should be able to outrun a tree. . .😁
Monthly Archives: April 2020
Full Moon Over Burnaby, BC
Tonight’s moon from around Edmonds Skytrain Station in SE Burnaby, BC.
Thanks to fellow photog John Preissl for reminding me to get my butt, camera, and tripod out there!
Clear moon
Covid moon
Allergy moon
Warp drive moon
Okiagari-koboshi moon – Japanese toy that always bounces back up
Blossom Barrage in South Burnaby, BC
Blossoms in SE Burnaby, BC. People taking photos of the lovely spring scenery waltzed about carefully maintaining physical distance.
Shocked by People Littering Used Masks, Gloves in Burnaby

That drain leads directly to Byrne Creek, just a few dozen meters away. . .

Hoarding Cat?
Our late, great Choco was ahead of the hoarding curve way back in August 2007 .
She ate mostly soft food, had no interest any kind of human treats.
I’ve been taking some time to go through my photo archives in this time of staying home. Finding lots of shots that I’ve completely forgotten about!
Social Distancing Balcony Photo Shoot
Today’s distancing photo shoot in south Burnaby, BC. All pics from our townhouse balcony or of nearby trees.
Burnaby Urban Trail Ramble
Today’s maintaining physical distance walk.
To shake things up a bit we went beneath the Skytrain tracks from our place near Edmonds Station in SE Burnaby nearly all the way to Metrotown. The urban trail is wide, and in about an hour of walking we saw perhaps half a dozen joggers, three or four walkers, and only a couple of cyclists.
This stretch was eerily quiet, even for a Sunday. It’s usually parked up with movie industry vehicles. . .
Virginia Rail at Burnaby Lake?
A highlight of today’s walk at Burnaby Lake was a short bird call.
The elusive Virginia Rail.
The amazing George Clulow talked about these birds on one of his nature walks some years past. You can check out his site here.
We were so excited to hear one today, but were not able to spot it.
Lesser Scaup Diving in Eagle Creek near Burnaby Lake, BC
Fun watching this Lesser Scaup diving in Eagle Creek at Burnaby Lake.
Northern Pintail at Burnaby Lake
Northern Pintail at Burnaby Lake, BC. I love the muted tones and wonderful lines of these waterfowl.