Glad to have our frail fuzzbutt home after 30 hours on an IV at the vet’s.
After days of anxiety and near-sleepless nights keeping a close eye on her, it’s a relief that she’s eating and pooping again after not taking anything but fluids for several days.
I have to admit to feeling relief when the vet said she should stay overnight. We were bagged. Better for her, and better for us. You have to know your limitations.
Her blood work is not too bad, but her kidneys are weak.
Yes, quality of life issues are front of mind, and a friend has put us in touch with a vet who specializes in home visits for quality of life assessment/end of life if she starts heading downhill again.
Cute bandage, eh?

Jeez, Daddy, let me go, I’m fine!
No, not quite yet, at 5lbs you’re still skin and bones.
A bit later: watching her eat with eagerness and enjoyment not seen in weeks nearly brought tears to my eyes. . . You go girl!