Volunteer streamkeepers had a good spawner patrol on Byrne Creek in Burnaby, BC, today.
We saw 19 live chum, and processed 7 dead ones — one male and six spawned females. Yay!
Also saw two fish that were likely coho, one large, one perhaps a jack, both very shy and hiding under snags.
The photo shows three fish found in close proximity to each other. One male and two spawned females. Had to guesstimate a length for the bottom one, as some critter had been having a feast.
As we were observing a pair spawning, another chum swam right past me!
A pair of chum on a redd (nest). Shot from Meadow Ave. bridge.
NOTE: Streamkeepers have permission from Fisheries and Oceans to count spawning salmon, and to process carcasses to collect data on size, species, sex, etc. Please observe spawning salmon from a reasonable distance and do not harass them.