Just noticed that one of my Nikons “cycled” today on my Reifel Sanctuary shoot. Image 9999, and back to 0001 again.
I’ve got one camera which, if I recall, is on its fourth set of 9999, one on its third, and this one on its second.
Keep shooting folks!
A few shots from today’s ramble.

Folks more knowledgeable than moi were proclaiming this an egret

Great Blue Heron

Northern Flicker

I’m not that great on identifying wasps, but I think this is a Yellow Jacket.
I was dive-bombed by several of these on my walk today. I held my peace, kept calm, and closed my eyes when one went so far as to get trapped in my glasses for a second or two.
They kept the peace, too. Whew! 🙂
Streamkeeping, sustainability, community, business, photography, books, and animals, with occasional forays into social commentary. Text and Photos © Paul Cipywnyk