We followed up the Centennial Beach visit with a walk along the dyke at Boundary Bay. I heard killdeer, and soon we saw an amorous couple frolicking before mating.
Displaying before a prospective mate
Easing in a little closer
Male jumps on female’s back
It appeared that only a few seconds is all it takes. They repeated this courtship and mounting a couple of times.
Yumi and I saw dozens of fry in Byrne Creek this afternoon. Lots between the eroded area and the wooden footbridge in the lower ravine, and some further downstream of the bridge. Yumi thought coho due to stripes on anal fins.
It’s great to see a new generation of salmon hatching out in this urban creek!
Spring has sprung in SE Burnaby. These shots were all taken of trees in our townhouse complex on my way home from touring some elementary school kids on Byrne Creek.