Category Archives: Society

Fish Kill on Byrne Creek in Burnaby, BC

It was a sad day on Byrne Creek in SE Burnaby, BC, today.

Several hundred dead coho and cutthroat trout, lots of dead lamprey, several dozen dead stickleback, a dead crayfish, and a dead frog.

This was just in about a quarter of the creek’s length.

City staff noticed dead fish and called volunteer streamkeepers and the province. Volunteers reported to the DFO Observe, Record, Report hotline/email, and also to their DFO Community Advisor.

City staff contacted Environment Canada, and an ECCC staff person came out in the afternoon.

Upon checking monitors in the creek, City staff noted a spike in pH that lasted for many hours. The pH was back to normal by the time we were counting dead fish.

fish kill on Byrne Creek in Burnaby, BC

Making Kutya for Ukrainian Christmas

With just the two of us this year I’m not making a traditional Ukrainian Christmas Eve supper of 12 meatless dishes.

But you cannot have Ukrainian Christmas without kutya — hard wheat berries toasted and simmered to the point that they’re still a tish crunchy, scalded & ground poppy seeds, chopped walnuts, and honey.



Russians, Demand Freedom and Democracy


Putin has long been failing in his efforts to “restore” the bloody glory of empire.

Why kill your neighbours, their children? Why bomb hospitals and schools?

The man is demented, but it’s so scary that so many Russians are still following his orders.

I am talking to you, Russian soldier. Why are you killing children?

Why are you bombing schools and hospitals? Why target the kids and the wounded with your missiles?

Have you no conscience?

Russian TV is still celebrating the invasion, no matter how many Russian lives, and Ukrainian lives, it has taken.

Mass delusion.

But. . .

There’s something in the wind. Dictators rarely get this freaked out.

The killer looks increasingly pasty, tired.

We appeal to all Russians of concscience, of love. . . Stop.

Refuse to fight, to continue this invasion.

Refute the madman.

Join Ukraine in democracy and freedom.

Russian Politicians, Media, Create Windmills to Tilt At

As Russian politicians and media make increasingly weird comments, what strikes me is their collective mass delusion that anyone would want to invade Russia.

Or wanted to invade Russia, or was a threat to Russia.

Nobody wants to invade Russia. And there, perhaps, lies their angst.

They are not invasion-worthy. Whereas Ukraine, a democratic, freedom-loving nation, would be a juicy totalitarian prize.

Nothing makes the unloved and unenvied more satisfied than bashing others down to their self-perceived level.

Remembering Mom on Her Birthday

Lit a candle for my Mom on her birthday.

She would have been 89 today if cancer hadn’t taken her. She had the genes and lifestyle to make that number, but not the luck in the cancer draw. . .

Hard to believe we said goodbye 15 years ago.

mom birthday

Small personal rituals and remembrances.

A wee glass of Jackson-Triggs Cabernet Sauvignon, her fave reasonbly priced wine.

And a wee glass of fresh water. . .

Three Days of Fishy SEHAB Meetings Near Ladysmith, BC

Three days of fishy meetings near Ladysmith, BC, over the last weekend and early this week.

SEHAB (Salmon Enhancement and Habitat Advisory Board) members representing volunteer stewardship groups from across BC shared info and heard many excellent presentations from the federal Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, and BC provincial ministries.

What’s a meeting about volunteers working to protect salmon without, er, a home-smoked salmon? 🙂

And when you’re dealing with several levels of bureaucracy, the initialisms and acronyms fly thick and fast, eh? We began keeping track of some of them for the benefit of folks newer to the table.

SEHAB Meetings Ladysmith BC