Category Archives: Photography

South Burnaby Birds

A few birds from today’s south Burnaby walk.

northern flicker burnaby bc
Nother Flicker drumming on a lamp

robin worm burnaby bc
American Robin takes a worm

mallards burnaby bc
Mallards in Griffiths’ Pond near Edmonds Skytrain Station. It’s a small pool and I rarely see waterfowl in it.

sparrows burnaby bc
Golden-crowned Sparrow

Fox Sparrow

towhee burnaby bc
Spotted Towhee

Surpassed 1,000 Observations Reported to iNaturalist

I passed 1,000 observations reported to iNaturalist today, with 232 species so far.

I think this puts me at the Pee-Wee or Bantam level 🙂. I know some folks who post hundreds per week!

I have to shoot, and learn about, more plants and flowers etc. The bulk of my observations are birds and mammals, with the occasional insect or reptile. . .

You can see my contributions here.