Category Archives: Photography

Soggy Sea to Sky Overnight Camping Trip

Wow, this overnighter produced the fewest photos I’ve ever taken on a Sea to Sky trip!

Rain, rain , rain. . .

I camped at Nairn Falls for one night, got the tent up and covered with addtional tarp protection before the rain began. Was snug and dry inside, and fortunately there was a break in the rain for takedown in the morning.

Even had an hour or two of a small campfire in the evening. Park staff were very diligent about warning folks about keeping their fires small, never leaving them unattended, and having a bucket of water handy. I suspect bans will be coming into place soon, it’s dry out there.

Talking with the camground staff and locals, everyone is happy with the soaking today. It’s badly needed.

Gloomy One Mile Lake
Gloomy One Mile Lake just south of Pemberton

deer near pemberton
Deer inspecting power lines near Pemberton 🙂

Sunrise at Alice Lake

Sunrise at Alice Lake near Squamish, BC, this morning. I was up at 6:30, and wandered over to the lake from the campground. I realized that the sun would peek over the mountains to the east if I sat on the beach for awhile, and soon there it was.

Lovely to greet the morning in peaceful silence, without another soul in sight.

sunrise at alice lake near squamish bc

Eventually there was some  noise as this raspy Steller’s Jay checked me out as I was watching the sunrise.

Steller's Jay Alice Lake Squamsih BC