Category Archives: Photography

Still Creek Corridor Stroll

I walked the Still Creek corridor near Willingdon Ave. in Burnaby, BC, this morning while the car was being serviced. While the creek is basically a fairly stagnant ditch in this area, there’s still lots to be seen!

Salmonberry blossom Still Creek Burnaby BC
Salmonberry blossom

Green-winged Teal Still Creek Burnaby BC
Green-winged Teal

bumblebee still creek burnaby bc

Mourning Cloak butterfly Still Creek Burnaby BC
Mourning Cloak butterfly

Northern Flicker Still Creek Burnaby BC
Northern Flicker. It was drumming on the light standard.

Singing Sparrow Still Creek Burnaby BC
Spring is here!

American Robin Still Creek Burnaby BC
American Robin

Dusty Desk-Drawer Find – Guam Marathon

A back-of-a-desk-drawer find tonight.

Guam Marathon 1989

I do not recall doing a marathon in Guam.

I do remember running an event there, but it was more likely a 10K.

I also remember two other things while I was there:

1) I bought a nice Hawaiian-style shirt. The saleswoman in the hotel shop quided me to a more subdued one than my initial choice. I remember she said “you don’t want to go back to Japan looking like a Yakuza!” 🙂

2) I badly sunburned the tops of my feet while relaxing for a day or two after the race — the only area I forgot to slather with sunscreen. . .