Category Archives: Photography

Updated Snowy View From Our Balcony

So far we’ve had 11 cm of snow accumulate on our balcony in SE Burnaby since it began falling again yesterday morning. I know that’s not much compared to many other places, but it’s unusual for our neck of the woods.

snowy burnaby

Snow donut ready for balcony picnic

Careful on the Byrne Creek ravine trails — those trees look awfully heavy with snow

Super Birding Day at Reifel Sanctuary

Yumi and I went to the Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary today, and saw tons of birds, including a couple of eagles up close. I left my DSLRs at home, the better to enjoy walking with my lovely wife, but ended up taking 458 photos with my wee Canon 520HS pocket cam!

Male Wood Duck

Male Wood Duck with a couple of females vying for attention

Female Wood Ducks duking it out

The Sandhill Cranes have become very accustomed to people over the last several years.

Crane feather closeup

They can be rather intimidating!

Love those curls!

Chickadees are bold and accustomed to hand feeding

This eagle was on the viewing tower and strangely unafraid of people

It sat there with lots of people coming up and down the tower

Red-Winged Blackbird

This American Coot appeared to be ill

Another bold eagle that allowed people to get within meters of it

Heron in the fading light

More lovely curls


Reifel Bird Sanctuary
The end

Burnaby Lake Birding Walk

Yumi and I joined birder George Clulow’s bird and nature walk today at Burnaby Lake, one of the City of Burnaby Parks Department nature tours.

The day began moody and grey, but by the time the three hours were up, the sun had broken out and skies were blue. We are so fortunate to have this gem of a park right in the middle of our city.

I left the DSLRs and big lenses at home, bringing a pair of binoculars and learning as much from George as possible, for he’s a fount of knowledge about birds and the natural world.

All these shots taken with my wee pocket Canon SD520HS.

Burnaby Lake

Burnaby Fraser Foreshore Park Winter Birds, Berries & Leaves

Took a slow, careful ramble along the icy trails in Burnaby’s Fraser Foreshore Park this afternoon.

This Great Blue Heron posed patiently while I shot again and again in changing light.




Fraser Foreshore Birds, Nature






This bald eagle was hotly pursued down the river by a hawk and a couple of crows. Dunno what it had done to get them all so riled :-). Unfortunately I didn’t get any usable shots of the hawk, but I think it was a Red-tailed.








