Category Archives: Food

Making Sockeye Steaks

Thank you for your bounty, sockeye.

I’ve cut it into little steaks that Yumi will salt and freeze for Japanese breakfasts and bentos.

Just thaw a steak or two in the fridge overnight, and broil in the morning. With bone and skin on, the flavor as you flake off the flesh is incredible.


sockeye steaks

Chipotle Black Bean Veggie Burger ‘Cabbage Rolls’

So in my reducing-the-eating-of-meat process, a friend recommended Gardein veggie burgers.

I inadvertently bought what is likely their spiciest product — Chipotle Black Bean patties. I am not a spice person, and nearly died eating the first two patties.

So two more patties had been sitting in the freezer, and today I figured out a way to use them in what we like to call “lazy cabbage rolls.”

Cook a bunch of long-grain or jasmine rice only about 2/3 done. Mix with chopped cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, crumbled chipotle black bean veggie burgers, whatever, in a large casserole and mix in a can of mushroom soup. Bake in the oven for an hour or so (the rice will finish cooking without becoming overly soggy)..

Still a tish on the spicy side, but edible for a wuss like me .

veggie burger rice casserole

Piles of Potato Salad

I noticed the potatoes were starting to turn, so I made a large batch of potato salad. I’ll split it in half, leaving one container without lettuce, eggs, and mayo, and make a fresh mix tomorrow.

potato salad
This will cut down dramatically on cooking this weekend!