All posts by Paul Cipywnyk

Lots of Wildlife at Deer Lake in Burnaby, BC

We spent a few hours rambling trails around Deer Lake in Burnaby, BC, today.

great blue herons deer lake burnaby
Great Blue Herons were active at the rookery and all around the lake

anna's hummingbird deer lake burnaby
Anna’s Hummingbird

western painted turtle deer lake burnaby
Nice to see a native Western Painted Turtle among the dozens of invasive Red-Eared Sliders

bullfrog deer lake burnaby
Unfortunately we also spotted this invasive bullfrog

violet green swallow deer lake burnaby
I’m thinking Violet-Green Swallow?

yellow-rumped warbler deer lake burnaby
Yellow-Rumped Warbler?

red-tailed hawk light phase burnaby
On our way home we saw this raptor soaring high above Marine Drive. Light phase Red-Tailed Hawk?


Chipotle Black Bean Veggie Burger ‘Cabbage Rolls’

So in my reducing-the-eating-of-meat process, a friend recommended Gardein veggie burgers.

I inadvertently bought what is likely their spiciest product — Chipotle Black Bean patties. I am not a spice person, and nearly died eating the first two patties.

So two more patties had been sitting in the freezer, and today I figured out a way to use them in what we like to call “lazy cabbage rolls.”

Cook a bunch of long-grain or jasmine rice only about 2/3 done. Mix with chopped cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, crumbled chipotle black bean veggie burgers, whatever, in a large casserole and mix in a can of mushroom soup. Bake in the oven for an hour or so (the rice will finish cooking without becoming overly soggy)..

Still a tish on the spicy side, but edible for a wuss like me .

veggie burger rice casserole

Cranes, Kestrel in SE Burnaby, BC

We don’t often walk the lower portion of the dyke confining Byrne Creek in SE Burnaby, but a fellow had contacted me for information about flood gates impacting salmon movement, so we went down to take some photos this evening.

To our delight, a pair of sandhill cranes flew by as we were crossing the railway tracks at Byrne Creek near the Riverview Golf Course.

And then for bonus points, Yumi spotted a kestrel high up in an alder. Cool!

sandhill crane flyby burnaby bc

kestrel burnaby bc

I hear tell that kestrels are among the killer elite, ounce for ounce one of the most efficient avian predators. . .

UPDATE (3/29): Birder George Clulow has an informative post about kestrels nesting in Burnaby on his blog.

Barred Owl on Byrne Creek in SE Burnaby

Been hearing Barred Owls along Byrne Creek on our last several walks, and today we saw one.

Max 40X optical zoom on my little pocket Canon SX730H at ISO 800, which is about as high as you can push the wee sensor before you seriously start losing definition.

Barred Owls have been nesting in the ravine park, so please give them their space, minimize observation time, and don’t make them uncomfortable.

barred owl byrne creek burnaby

Porteau Cove Birds ‘n Beasts

I love day tripping the Sea to Sky from Vancouver up the coast to Whistler, and if time permits, points further north.

Here are some shots from a stop at Porteau Cove along the way.

If you don’t like the light, just wait awhile, it can change fast.

There’s a spot where Harlequin Ducks like to hang out. I’ve seen them here several times over the years.

Nessie? 🙂

porteau cove views