Hawk, Eagles, Waterfowl at Fraser Foreshore Park in Burnaby, BC

In addition to the several Great Blue Herons that I photographed at Fraser Foreshore Park in Burnaby, BC, this morning (see previous post), here are a few other species.

Hawk at Fraser Foreshore Park in Burnaby, BC
Hawk at extreme range. I still have trouble distinguishing between Cooper’s and Sharp-shinned, but it was quite small.

male and female ring-necked ducks at fraser foreshore park in Burnaby, BC
Male and female Ring-necked ducks.

Bufflehead diving in Byrne Creek in Burnaby, BC
Bufflehead diving in lower Byrne Creek near the confluence with the Fraser.

bald eagles on log boom at Fraser Foreshore Park in Burnaby, BC
Bald Eagles on a log boom. The one on the right was eating something that looked like a small mammal.