Burnaby City Council Hits the Brakes on Removing Parkland

Happy that community came together.

Happy that new voices took leading roles, not just “environmental activists.”

Happy that Burnaby Council responded to the public outcry.

Happy that the City will take a new look, and consider other alternatives to removing parkland for an organic waste processing facility.

Yes, the initial aim to process more of our local organic waste locally was, and is, a good idea.

Just not on rare and sensitive habitat that has been almost completely wiped out on the lower Fraser River.

And not by un-dedicating parkland that was specifically dedicated for its unique values.

We share this Earth. It’s not only for people, and parks are not only for human recreation. Parks, the more natural the better, have value beyond playing fields.

I hope that we have all learned through this process.

(If you’re new to this blog, scroll down, down, to see several of my posts on the proposal to build an organic waste processing facility in unique habitat. . .)