Reconciling Driving with Climate Change

I had some errands to run today, and I have to admit that I took the long route. A very long route. Sigh.


Yes, I know, driving is not environmentally sound. I’ve always loved to drive, and did numerous multi-thousand kilometer trips in my teens and early 20s.

When I lived in Saskatchewan I drove to Toronto and Montreal several times to visit family. Also drove to BC to visit family many times.

Back in the mid-80s I got a degree at Carleton University in Ottawa, and did a year of writing at the University of Victoria. Both those adventures entailed long-distance driving – – in opposite directions from Saskatchewan.

And to be honest, I’d like to do a few more road trips as I approach my silver years.

Yukon trip. . . Cross-Canada trip. . .

We have a hybrid vehicle, but there’s still environmental impact. We have friends who have an electric car that they power with solar panels to a great extent. That would be great, but not in our budget now.

Ever since the “stay home” recommendations came into force in BC we’ve stayed within about a 45-minute radius of home, and limit stops and interactions.

Looking forward to more extended road trips if and when restrictions ease. . .