Chipotle Black Bean Veggie Burger ‘Cabbage Rolls’

So in my reducing-the-eating-of-meat process, a friend recommended Gardein veggie burgers.

I inadvertently bought what is likely their spiciest product — Chipotle Black Bean patties. I am not a spice person, and nearly died eating the first two patties.

So two more patties had been sitting in the freezer, and today I figured out a way to use them in what we like to call “lazy cabbage rolls.”

Cook a bunch of long-grain or jasmine rice only about 2/3 done. Mix with chopped cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, crumbled chipotle black bean veggie burgers, whatever, in a large casserole and mix in a can of mushroom soup. Bake in the oven for an hour or so (the rice will finish cooking without becoming overly soggy)..

Still a tish on the spicy side, but edible for a wuss like me .

veggie burger rice casserole